Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tip - Washing mushrooms

Mushrooms are grown in a combination of soil and manure.

Mushrooms, unless otherwise specified, are sold unwashed.

Good mushrooms, purchased in bulk, are never washed prior to being offered for sale.

Traditional wisdom dictates that you never wash a mushroom - it will take on too much moisture, and will be soggy. The most common techniques are to wipe them with damp paper towel, or brush them with a dry vegetable brush.

Sucks to that - if you've got a salad spinner, and some hearty mushrooms, do this right before you cook them and thank me by sending along your recipe.

Put your mushrooms in plastic colander or (better yet) silicone sieve. Toss gently under ample cold running water.

Spin them in the salad spinner, with the dividers removed (if possible) until you don't see water hitting the sides of the outer bowl. Prepare immediately.

I've done this, and managed to brown the mushrooms immediately afterward, so I'm pretty confident that they're not taking on excess water in the process.

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